Peterhead Collection

Late 1800 Early 1900


These prints were taken from glass plate negatives donated to Sandy May for safe preservation and have been placed on the Buchan Heritage Web Site in order to give public access and should only be use for personal development.


21 peterhead bay 29 south harbour peterhead 34 fishing boat pd149 30 fishing boats in bay 22 drying nets mouth of ugie 37 fishing boats 36 harbour scene 42 north harbour 43 port henry harbour 45 boats in harbour broken plate 47 pd51 leaving harbour 31 harbour scene 33 fishing boats 48 south harbour 51 north harbour 50 harbour 49 port henry harbour 54 unloading herring barrels 52 fishing boat entering harbour 55 loading herring barrels 53 landing herrings 44 north harbour 18 herring gutting 46 landing herring 58 boats in harbour 32 herring gutters 56 boats in harbour